Top 9 Pet Amenities Offered By Apartment Complexes

Updated May 23, 2022
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Over 90 million households in the United States own a pet. Any pet, whether it be a cat, dog, or hamster requires special care in order for it to thrive. Apartment property managers are quickly learning that one of the best ways to attract tenants is by allowing pets in the apartment.

Other apartment buildings go above and beyond just allowing pets in the first place and offer helpful pet amenities that improve the life of the animal and its owner. Check out these 9 incredible pet amenities that you should look for when apartment searching.

1) Dog Park 

Beagle dog running with a toy in a dog park, one of the top pet amenities

Apartment living can be less-than-ideal for many dogs since the living space is often small. If there isn’t plenty of green space for your dog to run around and get exercise, they likely won’t thrive in an apartment.

Some apartment buildings combat this problem by building dog parks on campus. This is of course easier in more rural or suburban areas, but urban apartments can offer dog runs on the rooftop or courtyard area.

On-site dog parks are super convenient for not only dogs but also their pet owners. Sometimes, the last thing you want to do is go for a super long walk or pack your dog up in the car to drive to a dog park across town. When there’s a dog park onsite, you can let your dog get the exercise it needs without complicating your busy schedule.

Bigos CTA graphic

2) Pet Sitting Services

We’ve all been there. It’s the day before you’re about to leave for vacation and you suddenly realize that you forgot to secure a pet sitter. Whether you need someone to clean your cat’s litter box, take your dog for walks, or adjust the heat settings for your lizard, it can be stressful and expensive to find a pet sitter for when you’re out of town.

One of the most convenient and helpful pet amenities an apartment can offer is pet sitting services. These pet services make pet owners’ lives a million times easier and less stressful. It’s incredibly helpful to know that there is someone on site who can care for your pet at the drop of a hat.

Sometimes, this service might even be free with your rent! Regardless, the convenience and trust factor is enough for many renters to sign on the dotted line.

3) Grooming Stations

It doesn’t take much for dogs to get muddy and smelly when they’re playing outside. Even cats can get into a mess sometimes! Some apartment buildings offer free pet washing stations for tenants.

Commercial dog baths make it so much easier to wash your dog compared to your own bathtub. If your apartment offers this amenity, it’s likely that they have an entire pet spa in place complete with things like:

  • Blow dryers
  • Nail clippers
  • Pet soap
  • Towels

large dog getting a bath in the pet washing station by his owner at an apartment complex

Some apartments may even go above and beyond by bringing in a professional pet groomer once or twice a week for tenants to take advantage of.

Offering pet-washing stations is a win-win for every tenant, even the ones that don’t own pets. No one wants to deal with muddy paw prints or gritty sand in the hallways, and with grooming stations on hand, everyone stays clean and happy.

4) Indoor Play Areas

Many dog owners would agree that they don’t enjoy taking their dog outside for exercise when it’s super cold or hot, rainy, or snowing. You also don’t want to have to deal with a dog that has the zoomies running around your small apartment.

Some larger apartment buildings come with an indoor pet play area. This amenity is extra beneficial for properties located in the heart of busy cities. No matter how bad the weather is outside, your dog can get its necessary exercise in one of these helpful play areas.

5) Dog Walking Services 

woman walking three dogs on a community path

If you need to leave your apartment for long periods of time during the week to go to work, you know what it’s like to be greeted by a stir-crazy dog when you get home. It’s best for dogs’ health to be let outside during the day to get exercise and use the bathroom.

You can hire a dog walker, but you may be able to find an apartment complex that offers dog walking services on-site. An amenity like this is another helpful service that makes your life much easier as a pet owner.

6) Treat Station

Your dog deserves to know that it’s a good boy (or girl), and what better way to show them than with treats? Offering treats and pet toys in the lobby is an easy way for apartment management teams to make a great impression on pets and their owners, so many offer this fun perk.

7) Allow Multiple Pets

Unfortunately, some apartments don’t allow pets at all. And many will only allow certain types of animals. Thankfully, there are apartment complexes out there that aren’t so restrictive. Of course, you want to live somewhere that welcomes you and your furry friends with open arms.

If you own multiple pets, don’t give up hope. There are apartments out there that allow you to have multiple pets in your unit so that you can keep your entire family together, whether you own exotic pets or a few cats and dogs.

two cats enjoying the sun coming in from nearby window

8) Dog Parties

Everyone enjoys a good party, even dogs! This amenity could be seen as exclusionary, (don’t cats deserve parties, too?!), but we’re pretty sure that no one wants to deal with the terrifying sight of cats fighting.

Pet parties, or “yappy hours,” hosted at apartment complexes help dogs socialize, plus their owners can meet new friends. A regular activity like this one helps foster a sense of community within the building.

9) Dog Pools 

This final pet amenity is definitely rare, but that doesn’t make it any less incredible. Many luxury apartments offer swimming pools for humans, but what about dog pools? Some communities in hotter climates like the South offer dog pools for your dog to cool down on a hot summer day.

If your dog loves to swim, keep your eyes peeled for an apartment building that offers this awesome pet amenity.

Why Apartment Amenities Are Important

Some people view apartment amenities as unnecessary things that raise rent prices. While some people might not have a need for any apartment amenities, others rely on them immensely for a higher quality of life.

Think about it; if you own a home, you can make it into whatever you want it to be. You can add a gym room in the basement, a dog pool in the backyard, and a covered garage for your car. But if you’re renting an apartment, you can only use what’s available to you, provided by the property manager.

woman holding her tabby cat walking through her aparatment kitchen

Apartments that offer plenty of amenities allow residents to have the lifestyle they want, without feeling confined by renting. Plus, with such a competitive housing market, the better lifestyle an apartment offers, the more likely it is that people will want to live there, which keeps the community in business.

When pets are so important to so many people, it’s vital that apartments cater to pet owners and make them feel welcome and supported, rather than burdensome.

Explore Amenities That Make You Feel at Home

At Bigos, we take “home” seriously— for you and your pets. It’s our goal to create environments that make your life easier and more comfortable. From fitness centers and saunas to in-unit laundry and dog washing stations, we’re here to give you the best renting experience possible.

You and your furry friend are welcome at Bigos apartments— check out our full pet policy. Check out our available units, and set up a tour today!

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