Empower Your Wellness: Embracing Apartment-Friendly Workout Routines at Your Doorstep

Updated December 12, 2023
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Maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle is essential for overall well-being, and apartment living doesn’t have to be a barrier to achieving your fitness goals. In fact, apartment-friendly workout routines in many modern apartment complexes are easy with a range of amenities and resources that make staying fit easier than ever. 

The Palmer in Minneapolis fitness center
Bigos | The Palmer – 600 N 5th St, Minneapolis, MN 55411 – Fitness Center

On-Site Fitness Centers

One of the perks of apartment living is the convenience of on-site fitness centers. Many apartment complexes feature state-of-the-art gyms with a variety of equipment, including cardio machines, weightlifting stations, and even group fitness spaces at no additional cost. Throughout this exploration, we’ll highlight how these on-site facilities complement apartment-friendly workout routines, eliminating the need for costly gym memberships and commuting and allowing residents to effortlessly incorporate fitness into their daily routines.

man running outside on a dirt path

The Twin Cities: Winter Fitness Wonderland

For those residing in the Twin Cities, the winter season doesn’t mean you have to hibernate indoors. Embrace the snowy landscapes with outdoor fitness options. The Twin Cities boast a network of parks and trails that are perfect for winter activities. Parks like Theodore Wirth Regional Park and Minnehaha Regional Park offer cross-country skiing and snowshoeing opportunities, providing a refreshing and invigorating way to stay active during the colder months while promoting apartment-friendly workout routines.

a person sitting on their yoga mat stretching in front of a book shelf with a lot of books and plants on top

Virtual Fitness Classes

In the digital age, staying fit is just a click away. Many apartment communities now offer virtual fitness classes, allowing residents to participate in live or on-demand workouts from the comfort of their homes. Whether it’s yoga, HIIT, or dance classes, virtual fitness programs provide flexibility and variety, accommodating different preferences and schedules. Bigos Management also offers their residents Studio 9-to-5, an online fitness program that has a variety of yoga classes. This free membership and additional virtual classes, available at some apartment complexes, contribute to apartment-friendly workout routines, making it easy for residents to join sessions through dedicated platforms or apps and fostering a sense of community even when physically apart.

man using weights during apartment-friendly workout routines

Apartment-Friendly Workout Routines

Not everyone has the luxury of a spacious home gym, but that shouldn’t be a barrier to staying fit. Apartment-friendly workout routines that cater to limited space and equipment like bodyweight exercises – squats, lunges, and push-ups require minimal space and no additional equipment to adapting high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts to small living areas. These workouts are effective ways to burn calories and build strength in a short amount of time, encouraging residents to incorporate these routines into their daily lives.

Bigos CTA graphic

a women doing yoga in the grass

Green Community Spaces

Some apartment complexes go above and beyond by creating green community spaces. These areas could include rooftop gardens, communal courtyards, or landscaped outdoor areas that offer residents a peaceful environment for exercising, stretching, or practicing yoga. These green spaces not only contribute to apartment-friendly workout routines but also create a sense of well-being and connection among residents. Engaging with neighbors in a shared commitment to wellness fosters a supportive environment, making it easier for everyone to stay motivated on their fitness journey.

weight rack

Wellness is no longer confined to traditional gym settings. For apartment residents, fitness opportunities abound, whether it’s taking advantage of on-site facilities, exploring the winter wonderland of Twin Cities parks, participating in virtual classes, or embracing apartment-friendly workout routines. With a plethora of options at your doorstep, there’s no excuse not to prioritize your health and well-being while enjoying the convenience of apartment living. So, lace up those sneakers, step outside, or log into that virtual class—your fitness journey starts right at home.


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